www.savethekingwilliam.org, as the name suggests, is what we’re working towards. We are a local interest group who are focussed on ensuring the King William IV is brought back to life as a community pub.
!! January 2024: CHANGE OF USE Application Submitted !!
A Planning Application has been submitted for Change of Use from a Pub to a Private Dwelling by the owner of the King William IV. The relevant background is fully explained in the Planning Advice document below.
You can view the application itself and register to add your comments by clicking HERE which takes you to the relevant Buckinghamshire Council Wycombe Area planning page for this application (23/07884/FUL).
The Save the King William Group will oppose the application. If it is approved then our pub will be gone forever. Now is the time to act and the more villagers who register objections to this application the better. Your help to prevent this happening is requested. Please use any of the information in the Planning Advice document below in your representations to Buckinghamshire Council.